In this project, students are required to understand, analyze, evaluate and apply the knowledge accumulated so far in the Real Estate Finance Course on appraisal of Real estate Commercial property in UAE for investment purposes.
Students will work in groups of 3-4 students to undertake appraisal of a commercial property in UAE for investment purposes. The project will have 3 components
Part 1- Market Research Assignment –WS (10%) – Individual work- You will carry out a market research assignment to identify a commercial property for appraisal.
You will identify one of the following properties in UAE for investment purposes:
i. Offices Buildings / Office
ii. Hotel / Resort
iii. Restaurant
iv. Retail space / Shop / Showroom / Mall
v. Other commercial property (school, hospital etc..)
This assignment will be submitted in a written short work of 5-7 pages (1.5 space). You should submit their finalized property and discuss with the instructor prior to mid-term break. Due date – Week 6
Part 1- FIN 4023- Market Research Assignment Assessment Criteria (10%)
1. Identification of the property and construction of the market defining story answering the following questions: (25 points)
1. What is the real estate product under consideration?
2. Who are the customers? (target market?)
3. Where are the customers? (what is the market area?)
4. What do the customers care about? (what aspects of the product?)
5. Who are the competitors?
2. Initial Collection of Data (10 points) – Primary and Secondary Sources
3. Initial Market Analysis (15 points)
4. Refining the Research (20 points)
5. Final Market Analysis (30 points)