Assignment Brief for Sport Students 2019-20
Module Code & Title 6SR019 Professional Project
Module Leader Module Internal Moderator
Assessment Weighting & Assessment Limits 90% of Module Grade (see submission options for further details Mode of Assessment Project
Assessment Title Project
Learning Outcomes Assessed LO2: You will be able to present your work clearly in an appropriate format or formats for your discipline.
LO3: You will demonstrate the ability to refine and develop a topic in a way appropriate for your subject, applying a range of methodologies, analytical and creative approaches.
LO4: You will make appropriate judgements about processes, methodologies, arguments and concepts to identify solutions to problems in your discipline.
The learning outcomes covered, weighting & assessment mode, MUST match those in the validated module guide
Any other Essential Information
Submitting this assessment & getting feedback
When to submit the assessment When you will be given your grade & feedback All projects are second marked, so the marking period is longer than normal – Week commencing 11th May 2020
How to submit this assessment Electronic submission on 6SR019 Canvas Course How you will be given your grade & feedback Electronic feedback via 6SR019 Canvas Course &
When you are given your feedback you should make a note of how you will use it to improve a future assessment
Employability skills developed by this assessment
All assessments provide you with the opportunity to develop skills that are useful to employers. This assessment will allow you to develop the employability skills indicated below. This may include work towards the Wolverhampton Enterprise and Employability Award (WEEA)
• Planning & Organising – project design, recruiting participants, organising data collection etc.
• Problem Solving & Analysing – project design, methodologies, analysing journal articles, data analysis
• Written Communication – assessment write up
• Verbal Communication – dealing with participants, project tutorials
• Teamwork (Interpersonal Skills) – working with participants and supervisor
• Leadership – managing participants
• Creativity – project design, methodologies
• Self-Awareness & Confidence
• General IT, Numeracy and Literacy – assessment write up, data analysis
Academic misconduct & how to avoid it
The University takes any form of academic misconduct very seriously. No student should have an unfair advantage over another as a result of academic misconduct; whether this is in the form of plagiarism, collusion or cheating. When you are preparing your assessment, you need to make sure that all your information is accurate, that everything you hand in is your own work, and that you have referenced all of your sources properly. By submitting a piece of work, you are declaring to the University that it is your own, and you are responsible for ensuring it comes up to the required standards.
It is vital that you understand how to avoid academic misconduct as the maximum penalty for an offence is exclusion from the University. You should therefore consult the Student Union guidance on this. There are temptations on the internet for you to take “short cuts”. Do not be tempted to either commission work to be completed on your behalf, search for completed past academic work, or to cheat in other ways.
What you need to do to complete this assessment
Task(s) Completed
Completing your Project provides you with an opportunity to undertake a piece of individual research. You should be able to examine the subject you are studying in detail. You will be allocated a supervising tutor who will guide and advise you throughout your project. The structure/format of your submission can be negotiated with you supervisor (please see the options below). Further guidance on the project formats can be found on the 6SR019 Canvas topic.
There are four options for the submission of the Project:
Option 1:
Written Submission (traditional project format, 100% of project – 8,000 words)
Option 2:
Written Submission (systematic review, 100% of project – 8,000 words)
Students who do not gain ethical approval in sufficient time to complete data collection will be directed to complete a systematic review.
Option 3:
Written Submission (journal article/report format, 60% of project – 5,000 words)
Poster Defence (focus on question & answer, 40% of project – 20 mins). The poster defence will take place in the week starting 11th May 2020 You do not need to submit a poster prior to the defence, you bring it with you on the day
Option 4:
Written Submission (theory-based narrative format, 60% of project – 5000 words)
Practical Resource (40% of project). Any practical resources should be submitted to the Faculty Student Services office on the same day as the written submission
All options MUST encompass the following points:
Your project must present evidence of an argument, and investigate the topic in detail in relation to a substantial body of work.
You will need to submit a project which provides evidence of a substantial amount of research involving the collection of primary data and/or the analysis of existing/secondary data.
You will draw together theory with methods, and/or current practice.
Your project must demonstrate an in-depth engagement with your topic.
The work must demonstrate analysis and interpretation.
Some aspect of your project should be original. This could be the presentation of new research findings (through primary data collection) or a new interpretation of existing research findings, the application of an existing theoretical or analytical perspective to a new area, or the demonstration of a new problem/question that arises from existing research.
The exact structure/format of your project should be agreed with your supervisor.
If you are submitting a Practical Resource, the format of this should be agreed with your supervisor, but could include multimedia evidence of, for example, practical teaching/coaching/performance.
Assessment limits adhered to
Reference list
General assessment guidance
The University of Wolverhampton provides you with a huge range of resources to help you develop the skills needed to succeed with your studies, including completing assessments. These include online resources, workshops, and drop in sessions. You should consult the ‘Skills for Learning’ web page for further information.
How your work will be assigned a grade
Learning Outcome 100 – 70% (First Class) 69 – 60%
(2:1) 59 – 50%
(2:2) 49 – 40%
(3rd Class) 39 – 35%
(Compensatable Fail) 34 – 0%
LO2: You will be able to present your work clearly in an appropriate format or formats for your discipline. The project is extremely well structured and there are very few errors in use of technical terminology, referencing, grammar or syntax as appropriate.
Overall, the project presents a very well-structured argument and is fully supported by a substantial body of contextually relevant resource material. The project is well structured although there are some minor repeated errors in use of technical terminology, referencing, grammar or syntax as appropriate
There is a well-structured argument which is well supported by an appropriate body of contextually relevant resource material. The project structure is generally appropriate although there are several errors in use of technical terminology, referencing and/or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
There is a generally clear argument which is supported by a body of largely relevant resource material. The project structure lacks coherence and there are several errors in use of technical terminology, referencing and/or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
There is an attempt to provide a basic argument with limited support from relevant resource material. The project structure is not clear or appropriate. There are frequent errors in use of technical terminology, referencing and/or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
There is difficulty providing a coherent argument and there is little or no support from relevant resource material. No learning outcomes fully met.
No demonstration of adequate knowledge or understanding of key concepts or theories. There is no recognition of the complexity of the subject.
Learning Outcome 100 – 70% (First Class) 69 – 60%
(2:1) 59 – 50%
(2:2) 49 – 40%
(3rd Class) 39 – 35%
(Compensatable Fail) 34 – 0%
LO3: You will demonstrate the ability to refine and develop a topic in a way appropriate for your subject, applying a range of methodologies, analytical and creative approaches.
The work demonstrates significant engagement with, and critical analysis and interpretation of, contextually relevant resource material. This demonstrates independent scholarship and in-depth engagement with the topic.
The critical analysis and interpretation of resource material results in the development of a wholly appropriate rationale methodology.
The methods used for the collection of primary data and/or the analysis of existing/secondary data are fully justified, and a clear understanding of alternative methodologies is also demonstrated.
There is critical analysis and interpretation of the project findings, demonstrating a degree of original insight. There is engagement with, and analysis and interpretation of, contextually relevant resource material. This demonstrates independent scholarship and in-depth engagement with the topic.
The analysis and interpretation of resource material results in the development of an appropriate rationale and methodology.
There is some good justification of the methods used for the collection of primary data and/or the analysis of existing/secondary data, and good understanding of alternative methodologies is also demonstrated.
There is analysis and interpretation of the project findings, demonstrating a degree of original insight. There is engagement with, and some interpretation of, relevant resource material. This demonstrates independent scholarship and sound engagement with the topic.
The interpretation of resource material results in the development of a generally sound rationale and project design.
There is some justification of the methods used for the collection of primary data and/or the analysis of existing/secondary data, and some recognition of alternative methodologies.
There is a generally sound explanation of the project findings, but a limited degree of original insight.
There is engagement with, and basic explanation of, relevant resource material. There is limited independent scholarship and engagement with the topic.
The interpretation of resource material results in the development of a basic rationale and project design.
There is limited justification of the methods used for the collection of primary data and/or the analysis of existing/secondary data, and limited recognition of alternative methodologies.
There is a basic explanation of the project findings. There is insufficient engagement with, and explanation of, relevant resource material. There is little/no independent scholarship and inadequate content.
There is little/no justification of the methods used for the collection of primary data and/or the analysis of existing/secondary data, and no recognition of alternative methodologies.
There is an insufficient explanation of the project findings. No learning outcomes fully met.
No demonstration of adequate knowledge or understanding of key concepts or theories. There is no recognition of the complexity of the subject.
Learning Outcome 100 – 70% (First Class) 69 – 60%
(2:1) 59 – 50%
(2:2) 49 – 40%
(3rd Class) 39 – 35%
(Compensatable Fail) 34 – 0%
LO4: You will make appropriate judgements about processes, methodologies, arguments and concepts to identify solutions to problems in your discipline. A very clear understanding of theory and key concepts is used to make wholly appropriate judgements about the rationale, aims and methodology for the project, thus drawing together theory with methods and the application of current practice. A good understanding of theory and key concepts is used to make appropriate judgements about the rationale, aims and methodology for the project. Some good links are therefore made between theory, methods, and the application to current practice.
A competent understanding of theory and key concepts is used to make generally sound judgements about the rationale, aims and methodology for the project. Only the more obvious links are made between theory, methods, and the application to current practice. There is a basic description of theory and key concepts which is used to make some relevant judgements about the rationale, aims and methodology for the project. Few links are made between theory, methods, and the application to current practice. There is inadequate description of theory and key concepts and key issues are not addressed. Judgements about the rationale, aims and methodology for the project have significant flaws. There is insufficient understanding of the links between theory, methods, and the application to current practice. No learning outcomes fully met.
No demonstration of adequate knowledge or understanding of key concepts or theories. There is no recognition of the complexity of the subject.