Reflective Practitioner Paper Instructions
This paper will serve as a summative and cumulative writing project. Use the Weekly Log, Cumulative
Weekly Log, Discussion Board Forums, additional readings, interactions with the instructor, Reading &
Study materials, the Tobias and Acuna text and outside journal articles to write a 5–7-page (body only)
summary of your path toward honing your reflective practice as a professional educator within the middle
grades. There must be a separate title and reference page, for a total of 7-9 pages. This paper must be
written in first person. Even if you are not presently teaching in these grades, describe how you will apply
reflective practice to your future teaching. The paper must include the following sections and follow
current APA format in all areas, including the title page, margins, running head, citations, and reference
page. The reference page must include at least 6 references and should include several utilized in this
course. You must use APA-formatted headings for each section below. Biblical integration must be clear
and evident throughout the paper.
Section 1: What Is a Reflective Practitioner? — Use your own words to define the phrase “reflective
practitioner,” and support that definition with at least 1 colleague’s quote (may be taken from the
Discussion Board Forums, the instructor, or a work colleague) and at least 2 quotes from 2 different
sources from the assigned reading.
Section 2: Theoretical Support — Read at least 2 journal articles about reflective theory (these must be
cited in this section and listed on the reference page) and answer the question “What is the theory behind
reflective practice?” You must present your opinion clearly.
Section 3: The Continuum of Reflection — Use your personal Weekly Reflections Log and colleague
quotes seamlessly to depict the reflective journey. The reader should be able to clearly visualize the
process. (Place extracts from your personal reflections in quotations, and then put the date written in
Section 4: Future Goals — End the summary report by clearly depicting your goals toward improving
your pedagogy. Write your future goals in detail using specific and measureable goals and objectives. The
reader should be able to clearly visualize the plan.