Client- Innovation Inc
Major European city of Euroville.
Project details: 49-storey, 150m tall residential tower with a 9-storey podium which includes market rental housing, commercial uses, and a childcare facility. There is also a six storey building providing retail and office space. The project area is 60670 m2 – 39465 m2 strata residential – 6340 m2 rental residential – 6300 m2 retail – 5935 m2 office space – 650 m2 childcare.
Innovation selection matrix
What is the key problem? A. Reduce construction times and site impacts to neighbours in a congested urban environment.
B. Optimize the elements that are used to build the project by making them part of the structure also Improving the operation stage by having a crane for use in the building.
C. Reduce and contribute to the smart use and recovery of waste during the construction stage.
Who addresses the problem?
A. The project manager by presenting the client with the benefits and added value factors to this innovation.
B. The construction manager by investing in constructive methods that reduce logistics and negative impact to the project during the construction and operation lifecycle.
C. The Contractor by using bonding elements that are friendly with the environment.
What is the common solution?
A. Improved logistics as it relates directly with solution B and C by integrating with these 2 innovations.
B. Enabling the ease in transport logistics as the rapid installation of the constructed elements.
C. Contribute to the reduction of ocean waste and environmental impact.
What potential innovation…?
A. Industrialised and of the shelf construction method similar to retail industry solutions
B. Optimised cost and construction efficiency by converting a construction element to an actual structural element that accomplishes two functions at once.
“a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service or result2 which must identify and define the timeline, scope and resources required to deliver the end result”.
Below are the Project Definition stage variable essentials for the innovations we wish to include in the Canada Tower.
Item Description Definition
Goal What are you trying to achieve? A. Systematic and rapid construction method.
B. Increased lifecycle of the building efficiency in the operations and maintenance stages.
C. Contribute to the sustainability of the project by including elements that reduce the negative impact of the construction stage.
Timeline: When are you trying to achieve it by? A. This innovation must be planned and executed since the very beginning of the design stage.
B. During the construction stage by replacing normal concrete with this new feature product/ using a self-supporting structure that will be embedded to the lift shaft.
C. During the cladding stage of construction through the installation of elements to the built structure.
Budget: How much will it cost to achieve? A. Depending on the specific requirements and constructive process we must include as much offsite elements as possible.
B. During the construction stages to determine the additional cots that needs to be factored to the concrete pouring and precast elements that will require this feature/ technical feasibility of including this element to the core of the building.
C. The development of the 3d machine and plastic recovery for bonding elements is required.
Scope Identify tasks, deliverables, functions and features A. Its required to seek for suppliers of this systems, and involve them in the early design stage to produce, transport and assemble with ease to the structural elements where they will be fixed or attached, to be delivered to the site, also review the possibility of them being self-supporting structures
B. Involve the manufacturers of this technologies to support the inclusion of the crane structure to be part of the building structure.
C. Required to involve a software developer to include this innovation along with the contractors of the involved trades that will benefit from the innovation implementation.
Stakeholders Who are the major players who have an interest in this project? A. CLIENT, SUPPLIERS, TECHNICAL TEAM.
Project manager/Team: Who is going to ensure everything that needs to be completed gets completed? A. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT TEAM BY DIVIDING THE REQUIRED TASKS AND STAGES FOR THE INCLUSION OF THESE INNOVATIONS.
Construction innovations:
• A. Offsite Construction systems
• B. Embedded crane structure to building lift shaft
A. Offsite Construction systems
Clients? Client benefits form this innovation by having its facility built in a controlled environment, educing risks and improving delivery times to a new level
Designers? Designers benefit by standardising the product outcome in a controlled environment leaving very little margin of error and gaining consistency in the end product.
Consultants? Consultants can reduce the risk by stablishing milestones and goals according to the production line, and reducing the risk of unforeseen weather or site conditions problems by simply focusing on the installation rather than the construction on site
Contractors? Contractors reduce the amount of labour required to produce the product by controlling the production in an offsite facility
Feasibility? There is an existing infrastructure that enables this innovation to be done efficiently and rapidly
The design solution? Design solution must respond to the system employed to construct the elements required offsite
The site execution? Site execution becomes almost surgical with more efficient building schedules that do not disrupt the context or neighbours
The close-out and handover? The closeout and handover are optimised as most of the elements used for construction come form an offsite factory and have been already tested, little margin of error or snaggles
The running of the facility? Running of the facility can be done more rapidly as the facility can be put to operation in in a shorter time
The demolition or replacement
Very few waste materials is accomplished and waste generation can be handled more efficiently.
Risk Matrix for Offsite construction
From a risk perspective we must understand that delivery times for large items cannot be managed that simply, the best example is the current CoronaVirus crisis that has placed restrictions in the free mobilisation of goods and individuals in the northern region of Europe, Logistics coordination for offsite components must be keen in allowing certain flexibility in the construction programme intended, as to diminish the risk, multiple companies should undertake the suppling, an a single sourced of elements could cause a disruption in the normal development of the construction progress.
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunity
Standardisation reduces cost and waste generation Logistics and transportation become a crucial factor in the delivery of the construction plan. Single sourced suppliers or production plants can be a risk, separating the production of elements in multiple factories can reduce this risk
Economies of scale savings can be achieved by having factory-controlled manufacturing. Flaw detection of the component performance during the construction can underseen as test are usually not conducted until most of the elements are installed, and not on a one to one basis Quality controls in the manufacturing plant must be conducted to the elements prior to shipments, and once a component is installed on site, test to prove its performance must be done, not to have massive repeat of defective components in the end of the construction.
factory production environments make people work together more efficiently and deliver more rapidly. Different trades must intervene at different assembly stages of the process. If a fault is detected, the “assembly line” must be stopped, flaw corrected before continuing, this event can overall slowdown the whole construction process. Integration must be guaranteed form the design and manufacturing process, components must be seen as a whole, with the constant interaction of the different trades and processes. Communication is essential for the successful implementation of the process.
Overall design is optimized by Computer aided tools, leaving very few margins of error in the manufacturing stages of the components Constructive processes are not always predictable, certain factors make component installation clash, and if product is manufactured and stockpiled in large quantities, errors can be costly Different benchmarks and routine checks must be planned and foreseen to identify incompatible components to be replaced, leaving some margin of tolerance to error for intervention during the constructive process.
Innovation Matrix for Offsite construction
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunity
A. Residential design tend to be standardised with relative ease to fit most of the users requirements, with very few need for complex modifications to spatial components or infrastructure installations during the lifecycle. Due to the individual nature of office and retail businesses, spaces cannot always be standardized to meet all of the needs and requirements of businesses in a prolonged lifecycle. A strategic approach must be taken form the conception and early design stage, preferably partnering with the intended end user to come up with a solution that fits to purpose the needs of the end user, providing an invaluable marketing opportunity to produce a tailor made constructive solution outcome.
B. Embedded crane structure to building lift shaft.
A modular outfit worked frame development design partnering with a Crane manufacturing provider and elevator cabin producer could result in a system that works seamlessly in integrating the vertical transportation of the Highrise building from all during ALL of it’s lifecycle. A heavy-duty Elevator is required more frequently during the construction stage, and during the occupation cycle, they perform a key factor for the transportation of goods for building.
Involving the three solutions providers in the conception and design stage creates the perfect opportunity for development of an efficient, cost effective, and integrated key component for the building. Perhaps the initial cost could turn out high in the beginning, but its cost can be easily absorbed during the prolonged operation lifecycle of a building permitting to replicate this solution for future buildings development.
Clients? Client benefits from this innovation by reducing the cost of structural elements and by almost eliminating the need to hire, and transport at te end of the construction the most significant element that is the crane bearing tower.
Designers? Designers benefit by optimising the need to use more structural elements to the tower by simply focusing on a design that responds to the location of the crane structure that will be used for the lift shafts.
Consultants? Consultants can reduce the risk by managing from an early stage the structural elements and vertical transportation of material for construction.
Contractors? Contractors optimise their supply of mateterial by adopting a ”Just in Time” delivery and execution scheme.
Feasibility? There are plenty of companies that will easily supply the solution, as the technology can be easily adaptable form construction to operation
The design solution? Optimised use of resources by tackling two crucial components at once, vertical transportation and structural elements.
The site execution? Site execution is then optimized as the elements that will be installed can be delivered in consistent batches according to site performance and labour requirements with an easy to plan and test the site development in a digital or virtual environment first.
The close-out and handover? The closeout and handover are improved by not having the need to dismantle and transport biggest element that composes the crane structure, this one remains on site and acts as an structural element.
The running of the facility? Running of the facility can done more efficiently as the main structural element is already there and the maintenance and tear and wear factors accounted since the very beginning, even before the building starts operating.
The demolition or replacement
Most of the metal structure can be re-used and repurposed in the event of the need to dismantle and demolition of the structure.
• C. 3d Printing on site – ocean recovered plastics
Clients? Client benefits from this innovation by reducing incorporating a material that is almost free to obtain, improving cost and keeping a low carbon footprint of the building since its construction stage.
Designers? Designers benefit by incorporating a material that is design to fit the purpose its intended, but has the capability to be used for other purposes by being a raw material used by a 3d printing machine
Consultants? Consultants can track the performance of this material, by easility controlling the behaviour and consistency in a early stage.
Contractors? Contractors optimised not need to buy or transport any material, is ready and available on site, with easy access to more of it in short periods of time.
Feasibility? The supply and obtaining of the material is almost unlimited and easily malleable for different purposes, its required to perform tests prior to installation to guarantee the inherent properties this material delivers.
The design solution? Automated use of this material can almost guarantee optimised delivery times.
The site execution? Site execution can be easily managed as most of the hard work is performed by a machine and not a human, improving performance and diminishing errors during the execution
The close-out and handover? Maintenance and replacement of the material can be done in an automated way, by simply equating the lifespan of the material and having it maintained regularly depending on the needs.
The running of the facility? N.A
The demolition or replacement
As it’s a material that is being re-purposed, its then necessary to research it it can be recycled after the intended use.
Commercial angle of the innovation
• A. Offsite Construction systems
There is a market out there that can benefit from this innovation, as it’s a technology that is currently under use and gaining popularity thanks to BIM methods and digital twins.
• B. Embedded crane structure to building lift shaft.
This innovation is more of a change to the existing market drives, it siply copes with a need to optimise the use of resources towards dealing with two factors, vertical transportation and structure efficiency.