In answering the question chosen it is important that a wide variety of sources are used to support the
analysis and it is expected that current surveys and academic sources are referenced accordingly. The main
aim of this essay is to consider not only the theory behind learning and development but to show how this is
used in a practical manner in the workplace in the UK.
Coaching is regularly used by organisations to develop staff and has been cited as enhancing the
‘performance of employees‘ (Xperthr 2019). Examine the uses of coaching to develop staff using current
1. Understanding and use of the literature 25%
2. Linking theory to practice 30%
3. Evidence of analysis and critical evaluation 25%
4. Structure, writing, referencing and presentation 20%
70% + – An excellent use of further research and reading beyond the materials given in class. Evidence of
clear links to current practice and use of relevant sources to illustrate examples. There will be excellent use
of critical analysis of theory and practice to demonstrate understanding of application of knowledge.
Thorough use of theory and research to support the answer of the title chosen and clear links to actual
practice in the subject area. Clear, logical arguments given.
Think about the organisations:
On the job learning (Different techniques the organisation use the pros and the cons)
Different ways of coaching in the organisation
Give examples use companies. (Uk companies)
Use reports
Use: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (reports)
Make sure you Examine the uses of coaching to develop staff using current techniques.