Engage in professional growth through reflecting and acting upon job performance feedback.
Skin Integrity / Wound Care Management
Compare and contrast the normal and abnormal skin assessment findings.
Provide evidence-based skin care to prevent, treat and evaluate skin breakdown.
Implement institutional policies and procedures for assessing and implementing safe skin care practices and pressure injury prevention, comparing these with relevant professional and Nurse Sensitive Indicator standards.
Demonstrate proper use of an evidence-based scale (Braden Scale) to predict the risk for pressure injuries and their respective treatments.
Differentiate the clinical manifestations of altered wound healing and the respective interventions.
Infection Prevention
Demonstrate adherence to the institutions’ infection prevention and control policies, procedures, and surveillance programs, including those related to hand hygiene and sepsis.
Discuss barriers to compliance with the institution’s infection prevention policies and procedures.
Perform a self-evaluation of adherence to the principles of asepsis and the institution’s infection prevention and control policies and procedures.
Identify resources within the institution that are available to facilitate an inter-professional collaborative approach to infection prevention and control.
Utilize strategies to evaluate the outcomes of infection prevention and control including institutional and unit data on healthcare-associated infection rates.
Provide evidence-based care in the prevention of institution-acquired infections; understand the prevention, transmission, incidence, and nursing management of common hospital-acquired conditions.
Identify the financial implications of nursing care related to infection prevention and its impact on the organization’s fiscal health.