Guidelines for Case Presentations
Conduct a critical analysis of the case facts and provide a summary and update to the class using a lens of the corporate social responsibility and business ethics skills developed in class.
The focus of the presentation should be on CSR or Ethics related content (this is not a business report).
What should be included in presentation:
• Establish for the class what parts of prior course content provide a context or foundation for case issues.
• Identification of stakeholders
• Implications to your classmates as your audience
• Update case and issue material where possible.
Check footnotes for leads to additional information.
Presentation duration: about five (5) minutes times number of people in group (group can ask for additional time prior to day of presentation).
1. Pre-class assignment: reading(s), video clip(s)-due to instructor by 5 pm of the week prior to your presentation. Provide by e-mail.
2. The presentation: PowerPoint is the usual medium but not required; using short video clips is acceptable. Provide presentation to instructor on day of presentation by 5 pm by email.
3. Five well-crafted multiple-choice questions (with a minimum of four possible answers each) to engage the class at the end of your presentation. Feel free to use a tool like Kahoot but provide Q&A to instructor with the presentation by 5 pm on the day of the presentation.
Groups will be rated by their classmates after the presentations. Classmates will receive points for submitting a completed rating.
Recommended approach:
One successful approach is to select a company that is a good example of the case topic. Analyze that company’s CSR and ethics activities by reviewing the company’s sustainability report and other publications using the guidelines and questions reviewed during class. Be sure to relate the content back to the case study.
• Alternate, creative approaches are encouraged, but check with the instructor first.
Grading Rubric
Criteria Value % Excellent Good Fair
On time submission of presentation file-due by 5 pm on presentation due date by email Deduction if late
Pre-session reading material or video for class due by week before class -5 pm week before
1 point 1 0 0
5 multiple choice questions included in presentation and well-crafted
2 points 2 1 0
Time – (approximately 5 minutes per team member)
5 points 4-5 2-3 0-1
Use of appropriate media:
Power point, video clips (relevant, concise)
2 points 2 1 0
Stakeholder identification and analysis -see text book (identifying, prioritizing, engaging) 5 points 4-5 2-3 0-1
Analysis: Integrates relevant course concepts (e.g. environment of CSR, arguments for CSR, creating sustainable firms, implications for strategic CSR, CSR threshold and filter, implementation of CSR…)
10 points 7-10 3-6 0-2
Reference/insights from reading of company sustainability report (exp. goals, climate action, metrics) 5 points 4-5 2-3 0-1
Explores relevance to actual implementation of CSR (compare text description with real example from subject company)
5 points 4-5 2-3 0-1
Classmate ratings 5 points 4-5 2-3 0-1
Updates text material, provides new examples, integrates additional information
5 points 4-5 2-3 0-1
Overall presentation style, effectiveness, organization, cohesiveness, flow (gives impression of integrated and logical whole rather than individual segments pasted together)
5 points 4-5 2-3 0-1
Total=50 points